How to grow and Care White Egret Orchid (Pecteilis radiata) White Egret Orchid is the most distinctive of all orchids and is extremely familiar to plant collectors and gardeners alike. …
Grow and Care Dove Orchid Or Holy Ghost Orchid (Peristeria elata) The Dove or Holy Ghost Orchid produces delicate marbled white flowers that, if you look closely, look like a small …
How to Care Angel Orchid (Zygopetalum rhein) Angel Orchid is one of the jewels of the orchid world. It was first discovered in 1932 and is native …
Grow and Care Bee Orchid (Ophrys apifera) Its name comes from the Greek word “Ophrys” meaning eyebrow, probably referring to the translucent flakes around the edge of …
Dancing Girls (Impatiens bequaertii)- Amazing flower Nicknamed for their resemblance to dancing girls in dresses, these tiny flowers are native to East Africa and come in …