Native to Europe and the Balkans, the purple flowers last for only about three to four days and reveal a dark seed core after wilting and falling. Despite its tropical appearance, Voodoo Lily is quite hardy and can survive in most climates. The most interesting fact about this omen bearing tree? It can give off a foul stench, and some have even likened it to the smell of a dead marsupial.
Source: Tropical Gardening
Taking care of the dragon Lily
Dragon lilies are quite easy to care for. This plant is found naturally in rivers, ponds, forest edges and grows from tubers below the surface. Plant the bulbs about 3 inches deep into well-draining soil, making sure to place the pointed end on top. It’s best to do this in early fall to give the plant enough time to form before the cold winter months arrive.
Besides regular watering, dragon lilies don’t require much maintenance. When they get plenty of sun and water, these gorgeous plants will bloom profusely. Dragon lilies are generally not affected by common pests and diseases.
Dragonfly plants like full sun, but can also be grown in partial shade. However, keep in mind that plants grown in full sun will need more water than plants grown in partial shade.
Moist-rich, well-drained soil is perfect for azaleas. Because they are found naturally by rivers and lakes, they do well in moist soil. However, it is quite tolerant of a variety of soil conditions and adapts well.
Water regularly and keep the soil moist, but not too wet. Soggy soil can rot the tubers.
Temperature and humidity
Dragon lilies can be grown in hardiness zones 7 through 10 but can be grown further north by digging up bulbs, incubating indoors. And plant outside in spring. However, even in arid regions, these plants still need winter protection. Cover with a thick layer of mulch to insulate during the colder months. Because azalea likes moist soil and can be found naturally near water sources, it does well with moisture.
To give your dragon lily the nutrients it needs to produce unique blooms, you should provide it with plenty of organic matter or compost. Mixing a healthy layer into the soil during spring will help your plants grow better. A well-balanced fertilizer will also work well.
Is Dragon Lily Poisonous?
Water lilies can cause skin irritation to the touch, so be sure to wear gloves when handling. It is also toxic to animals if ingested. However, animals do not usually come near this plant due to its noxious smell.
Breeding the dragon lily plant
Since the water lily grows from bulbs, propagation is simple and is usually done by division. It also self-seeds and generates offsets. It is best to divide the plant in spring or fall. Before you begin, be sure to wear gloves as this plant is known to cause skin irritation. Here’s how to propagate a water lily plant: