Its name comes from the Greek word “Ophrys” meaning eyebrow, probably referring to the translucent flakes around the edge of the flower.
Source: Natural History Museum
Plant dormant bulbs in the fall, 5cm deep in loamy, loamy, well-drained, alkaline, partial shade-tolerant soil. Protect with a thick layer of mulch and dry in winter in frost-prone areas. Water moderately during the growing period, keep dry and frost free when in dormant state
How does pollination happen?
Pollination. Orchids of the genus Ophrys use sexual deception to attract pollinators to their flowers. These signals stimulate mating behavior in male pollinators, who then attempt to mate, known as “pseudo-mating,” with the orchid labellum (Schluter et al.
What is interesting about bee orchids?
The small translucent bee orchid flowers look like real bees eating three pink petals. This is one of nature’s clever tricks, when bees visit trees in the hope of mating with small fake bees. This bee’s orchid mimicry ensures the plants are pollinated, as the male bees transfer pollen to nearby female plants.
How does pollination occur in Mediterranean orchids?
An Ophrys Mediterranean orchid that uses sexual deception to ensure pollination by bees. When the bee lands on another flower to create a fake, it transfers the pollen to another flower and, therefore, it pollinates.
Can you move the bee orchid?
Far from being difficult to move, as is commonly thought, they can, in fact, be implanted quite easily, if necessary.
Can you dig the bee orchid?
Due to their interdependence with mycorrhizal fungi in the soil, it can be risky to dig them up and move them elsewhere in the garden.
What do you mean by Pseudocopulation?
pseudocopulation, the act of a male insect, such as a bee, wasp, or fly, attempting to mate with a flower that has female insect parts of the same species as the male insect.
What happens when an orchid is pollinated?
Once pollinated, the flower begins to collapse and the ovary, located just behind the sepals, begins to swell. The time it takes for orchid seeds to mature varies from a few days to almost a year. Most orchids have very specific needs for where they can germinate and grow.
Can you grow bee orchids from seeds?
Growing orchids from seeds is usually done in a highly controlled environment of a laboratory. Growing orchid seeds at home is difficult, but you can do it if you have a lot of time and patience.
Where do bee orchids grow?
Found in open grassland on soils rich in substrates, such as chalk grasslands and also coasts, forest treks and grasslands. Bee Orchids love a bit of disturbance – happens in unused quarries, sand dunes, mine ruins, roadside, railway embankments and even waste dumps in towns.
What mechanism is used by the Mediterranean Orchid Ophrys for a species to be pollinated?
The Mediterranean Orchid Ophrys uses sexual deprivation to get pollinated by a bee. One of its petals bears an uncanny resemblance to bees’ females in size, color, and markings.
How does the Mediterranean orchid Ophrys ensure its pollination by bees?
Pollination in male bees: Petals of female bees are similar to those of bees in terms of size, color, and odor, etc. to pollination.
What are the characteristics of Ophrys apifera?
Ophrys apifera grows to a height of 15–50 cm (6–20 in). This hardy orchid develops small asterisk leaves in the fall and continues to grow slowly through winter. The base leaves are ovate or lanceolate, and the upper and bracts are ovate and sheath. The leaves exhibit parallel veins.