Amazon Water Lily- Victoria amazonica|| The Tyrant of the Deep

Victoria amazonica

Victoria amazonica is the largest organism in the waterlily family, the family Nymphaeaceae, its cushions growing up to 8 feet in diameter. Native to tropical regions of South America – like Guyana, where they are the national flower – these giant water lilies grow best in calm water and warmer than 70 degrees. Their unprecedented size also offers impressive power: The largest pads can support the weight of a small child (up to 65 pounds).

The underside of the leaf is covered with small sharp spines that help protect it from fish and other herbivores that might attack from below. They are also used to crush enemy plants and clear the surrounding space for maximum growth.

Victoria amazonica


Victoria amazonica is also known as Amazon Waterlily, it produces colorful round foliage, the leaves are known as lily pads and they lie flat on the water. It is an aquatic perennial in its natural habitat in the Amazon but is commonly grown as an annual under glass in the UK.
Specimens found in botanical gardens are usually grown from seed each spring, meaning all the massive floating foliage will be produced in a matter of months! The flowers are white when opened, they are pollinated by beetles in the wild, they are attracted by the scent and heat produced by the flowers. It is highly regarded as an ornamental plant, but is quite difficult to grow, requiring very special requirements for successful cultivation.


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