Potted marigolds, these annual flowers, come in bright yellow and orange colors that, for example, can brighten up your garden. Also an edible flower, it is also one of the most popular flowers used to make herbal oils, salves as well as creams. Known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, this flower is also used to prepare various cosmetic as well as skin care products to treat problems such as acne and eczema. Also used for varicose and gum diseases, it is often used in a natural vaginal lubricant to cure vaginal dryness and recurrent candida yeast infections.
Source: Gardening Upbeat
Calendula also known as pot marigold is a plant in the family Asteraceae. This flower is native to the Mediterranean region of Europe but now we can find it all over the world. The calendula plant features bright petals, usually yellow or orange, about 30 to 60 centimeters tall. In addition, Calendula is also known as a spice in cuisine and has many medicinal and beauty uses.
Calendula flower is widely used as a medicinal plant with antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition to using the whole petal, the calendula flower can also be ground into a powder or made into oils, creams, and ointments. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved this flower to be used as a spice and as an ingredient in cosmetics, soaps, shampoos, body lotions, and open wound treatments. or closed.
Instructions for planting flower seeds
– Season:
Can grow chrysanthemums all year round, but the most suitable temperature is from 23-25 degrees Celsius.
– Chrysanthemum seeds:
The flower seed market today has many facilities that supply and distribute flower seeds, if you do not know how to choose quality seeds, the flower plants will not grow well, have poor resistance, flowers small, poor color. Customers should take note of this.
– Soil:
Chrysanthemum is a flower that is also not picky about soil, quite easy to grow, so you can choose Tribat soil, alluvial soil, meat soil or a mixture of alluvial soil and earthworm in the ratio 1:1.
– Flower pots, flower beds or made flower beds.
– 1 liter or 2 liter watering can.
– After the soil preparation is complete, sow the seeds in the tray, then cover the seeds with a light layer of soil.
– Daily use a watering can to keep the seeds moist and place the tray in a cool location, away from direct sunlight.
– After 7-15 days, the seeds will germinate into seedlings, at this time the plants can be exposed to light.
– After about 15 days from germination, seedlings with a few small leaves, 15cm high can be plucked out and planted separately in pots or flower beds.
– When the plant takes root and adds more leaves, it can be moved to a place with lots of sunlight for convenient growth.
– Maintain daily watering for plants 1 time in the early morning. It is recommended to use a watering can to set misting mode, gently watering the stems and leaves.
– When the plant is about 2 weeks into a pot or tub, it can be fertilized with NPK fertilizer, the rate of 5g of soluble fertilizer with 2 liters of water, watering every 5 days.
– When the plant begins to bud, it is possible to add microbiological fertilizers or some other fertilizers to stimulate growth, the tree gives more flowers.
– When the tree enters the growth stage with many branches and leaves, press the tops, creating conditions for many branches to develop so that the canopy is wide and produces many flowers.
Diseases and pests:
– Pay attention to control weeds and some diseases such as leaf spot, stem borer.
After about 70-80 days, the plant will give brilliant flowers.
– If it rains heavily, the flowers should be moved indoors or covered to keep the flowers fresh for a long time and not crushed.
Uses and effectiveness of calendula
Calendula has many uses for health and beauty. However, the evidence on the effects of this flower is still incomplete. Going forward, there is still more research to be done to evaluate the effectiveness of these uses. Some of the uses of calendula flowers are as follows:
Anal fissure or anal fissure?
Early research shows that applying calendula to the affected area reduces pain in people with anal effusion who have not responded to treatment with sitz washing and nifedipine.
Bacterial overgrowth in the vagina
Early research shows that applying a vaginal cream containing calendula might help improve burning, odor, and pain in women with bacterial vaginosis.
Foot ulcers caused by diabetes
Early research shows that using calendula spray in addition to standard hygiene and care might prevent infection and reduce odor in people with long-standing diabetic foot ulcers.
Diaper rash
Some research shows that applying calendula ointment to the skin for 10 days improves diaper rash compared to aloe vera gel. However, other early research suggests that applying calendula cream does not improve diaper rash as effectively as bentonite solution.
Lip peeling (exfoliative cheilitis)
Early research on calendula shows that using an ointment containing this ingredient for 15 days might help stop peeling lips.
Gargling with calendula tincture for 6 months can reduce plaque, gingivitis, and bleeding gums by 10 to 18 percent compared with using mouthwash. However, another study found that rinsing with a mouthwash containing a combination of calendula, rosemary, and ginger for two weeks reduced plaque, gingivitis, and bleeding compared with a placebo mouthwash.