Corypha umbraculifera is one of the largest palm species in the world, eventually reaching a height of up to 25 meters.
Source: Media Space
Corypha umbraculifera is one of the largest palm species in the world, eventually reaching a height of up to 25 meters. Single stem straight, cylindrical, 100 – 130cm in diameter, with prominent leaf margins. The trunk is unbranched and covered with an immense fan-shaped foliage; a single leaf plate at full size up to 5 meters in diameter, with a stout petiole 5 meters long
Plants grow naturally in tropical monsoonal areas. They can succeed in both humid and dry tropical zones, so long as there is sufficient subsoil moisture.
Prefers a moist but well-drained soil and a position in full sun. Established plants are drought tolerant.
A slow-growing plant when young.
The tree only flowers towards the end of its life, usually at around 80 years of age. It then produces a spectacular display with an inflorescence up to 6 metres long containing several million flowers