Tango Lilies- Wild lily|| Planting lilies video

Tango Lily

Tango Lilies is an Asian lily, with larger flowers and a unique look. This one is white with dark purple spots dotted in the center

Tango Lily

Source: Sun Valley Floral Farms

Plant information

Tango lilies.
Recently, a whole new race of lilies was introduced. They are Asian hybrids, so they bloom in early summer on shorter, stronger oriental stems, but they are different from the older Asian hybrids we know. These new blooms (called ‘Tangolily’ in Dutch) have larger blooms than the older Asiatics flowers, and most importantly a whole new look with contrasting blobs of color. interesting. on the throat of each flower. While many species of lilies always have a second ‘blob’, this is the first lily to have a completely contrasting color zone made up entirely of ‘blobs’. Many gardeners consider these to be the most beautiful lilies. They are also spectacular to cut.

Planting lilies:

Today, true lilies (except daylilies and other species not in the genus Lilium) are easier to grow and more popular with each season. Since they grow upright and take up almost no space above ground, it is easy to grow lilies along with other perennials and shrubs. Most can also tolerate some shade, which adds versatility to the gardener. There are many groups of lilies, but for the sake of simplicity we will consider only some of the main varieties that are important to gardeners. Each lily plant we ship includes full growing instructions. So don’t hesitate. You can easily bring the breathtaking beauty of lilies to any meadow or summer garden.
‘Wild’ Lilies or ‘Species’ Lilies These are real wildflowers around the world. They are the people from whom all charming hybrids are descendants. We’re lucky to have some of these botanical treasures on our list of lilies this season.

Oriental hybrid lily
are very fragrant flowers now famous for their large and flat flowers like the red Stargazer and the white Casa Blanca. These are the types that are now very popular in the florist trade, but are also very easy to grow. They bloom from mid-summer to early fall. Most have very large, outward-facing, fragrant flowers.

Asian hybrid lilies are the largest group of garden lilies available today, fairly easy to ‘naturalize’. This growing group of lilies was started by American breeders, and was first known as ‘Mid-Century Hybrids.’ Compared to Orientals, Asiatic Hybrid lilies bloom earlier (early to midsummer), plants are shorter, flowers are slightly smaller, and most flowers are pointed upwards and star-shaped. Some of the most famous Asian hybrids are the famous yellow and red ‘Connecticut King’ and ‘Gran Paradiso’ varieties.

Lilies Sometimes called ‘Aurelian Hybrids’ or other names, large, tall lilies are both derived from The Regal Lily, a white wildflower from China. All are extremely fragrant, and great for cutting. They grow tall and often require stakes, as a well-developed trunk can be more than 15 feet


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